Murder solved by Facial Recognition


Murder solved by Facial Recognition

by AFR Engine

The jury reached a verdict of guilty.. 1st degree murder.

In 2019 a homeless man in southern California was brutally stabbed in the neck in a seemingly random and unprovoked attack in broad daylight. The murder was captured on video surveillance and witnessed by several people.

After 5 months of investigation the case went cold and the murderer was still on the loose.

I saw the news article online which included a decent image of the suspect. I ran the image through AFR Engine and within 3 seconds it had generated several investigative leads involving the same individual.

The police department working the case wasn’t one of our customers, but as a former Police Officer for 18 years, I always want to assist. Especially with crimes like this.

Armed with a name and birthdate, their investigation uncovered evidence that was waiting to be found. Evidence that put the suspect in the area before and after the murder.

Within several months he was extradited from Texas and brought back for trial.

The District Attorney did a great job on the case. He thanked me for assisting and said this case would have never been solved without my tip.

That comment gave me chills and reminded me why I started AFR Engine.